Westminster Education Forum

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Next steps for sport and PE for children and young people in England - growing participation | improving school provision | curriculum & timetabling | teacher training | engaging under-represented groups | supporting mental health & wellbeing

TO BE PUBLISHED October 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference will examine next steps for sport and PE provision in England.

With improving access and time for physical education a focus in general election campaigning, the conference will be a timely opportunity for delegates to discuss priorities for policy in the new parliament.

Stakeholders and policymakers will assess the future direction of existing policy, including:

  • the School Sport and Activity Action Plan looking at the way forward for schools and key stakeholders in tackling challenges they face in providing high quality PE and sport
  • Enhancing physical education provision and improving access to sport and physical activity in school guidance which includes examples of high quality provision, and the ways in which schools can remove barriers to participation and build relationships with local and national sporting bodies

Delegates will look at possible approaches to supporting primary and secondary schools to deliver policy ambitions, in line with Chief Medical Officer guidelines, of at least two hours of sport and PE per week.

Sessions in the agenda look at tackling barriers to participation of pupils in sport and PE, and latest thinking on tackling inequalities affecting certain ethnic groups, underprivileged children, those with SEND, and girls. Delegates will discuss best practice for engagement and implementing appropriate adjustments and how to improve coordination between departments within schools such as Inclusion and Learning Support Teams, and opportunities for forming relationships with sporting bodies and training more female coaches.

Future funding will be discussed, including use of the PE and Sport premium in primary schools to support aims for daily physical activity, along with issues relating to accountability with the new mandatory digital tool introduced for reporting use of pupil premium funding. Delegates will also discuss the long-term funding model for sport and PE in schools, with a commitment to funding through the premium until the end of the 2024-25 academic year.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Kate Thornton-Bousfield, Head, PE and Achievement, Youth Sport Trust; and Charlie Crane, Children and Young People Senior Manager, Sport England.

Areas for discussion include:

  • policy priorities: priorities for the new parliament - next steps for provision in England’s schools - the way forward for boosting high quality PE and sport - improving participation
  • funding: the use of pupil premium funding and school accountability - funding of sporting facilities
  • delivery: curriculum design and standards - timetable scheduling for PE - effective assessment methods - implementation of recently published Government guidance - examples of best practice 
  • provision: opportunities and challenges for raising sport and PE standards in schools - improving extra-curricular activity offers outside school hours
  • inclusion:
    • engaging under-represented groups - appropriate adjustments for young people with SEND and coordination between school departments
    • building upon successes, such as the boost to girls playing football and young people engaging in walking, cycling and using scooters for travel
  • collaboration:
    • promoting multi-agency coordination and best practice across schools and the wider sports sector
    • specialist training for teachers - post-16 sport and progression pathways for those studying sport
  • impact: latest thinking on how physical activity supports the health, mental wellbeing, confidence and behaviour of children and young people

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda