This conference examined next steps for SEND provision in England, following the Secretary of State for Education’s commitment to offer more support to children and young people with SEND.
It brought together key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss how the £1bn of earmarked funding announced by the Chancellor in the Budget can be effectively utilised, alongside how to address challenges for improving the SEND system, including significant financial pressures on local authorities.
The conference was an opportunity to assess the direction of government policy and next steps following measures already taken, including priorities for the new SEND strategic advisors appointed by the Secretary of State in promoting collaboration on the future of SEND reform and leading the group of experts who will advise on improving inclusion across the school system.
It also came as the Education Select Committee conducts an inquiry looking at Solving the SEND Crisis, considering current and future models of support for young people with SEND, as well as funding provision, and how to increase capacity and improve accountability in the system.
Delegates also looked ahead to key considerations for those with SEND in the Independent Curriculum and Assessment Review, with discussion on key challenges to attainment, as well as alternative assessment options moving forward for SEND learners and the impact of a tailored curriculum on educational outcomes.
The agenda looked at next steps following key recommendations from the National Audit Office’s Support for children and young people with special educational needs report, published in October 2024, for a long-term strategy, including improving local authority collaboration with schools, equitable distribution of resources, and improving staff training. Sessions considered the way forward for system cohesion and strategies to improve communication and partnerships. Best practice in engagement with parents and guardians in decision-making processes was also assessed.
With the NAO also calling for the integration of inclusive practices, and health and educational support for pupils with SEN, in mainstream schools - with an increasing number of learners with education, health and care plans (EHCPs) - delegates examined options for improving capacity to help cope with rising demands. The future of EHCPs and options for reform under the new Government were also discussed, including how to introduce more frequent reviews of plans, and approaches to utilising data to improve service provision.
Delegates assessed funding requirements for the sector, immediate priorities, and options for reforming the SEND system to improve financial sustainability. The conference followed the DfE’s Consolidated annual report and accounts highlighting concerns surrounding the financial sustainability of the existing SEND system and the risk that financial challenges will impede delivery of essential support.
The future shape of the SEND system was discussed. Sessions considered next steps for improving inclusivity and whole-school SEND approaches in mainstream schools, including the potential impact of moving responsibility for SEND and alternative provision to the Schools Directorate of the DfE. Delegates considered challenges and opportunities for schools in setting up specialist resourced provision and SEND units, and priorities for improving opportunities for staff development and training to meet the needs of SEND learners.
We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Dame Christine Lenehan, Strategic Advisor on SEND, DfE; Emma Willson, Director, Education Value for Money, NAO; Gary Aubin, Consultant, SEND; Author, SEND Matters UK blog; and Member, Curriculum and Assessment Review Group; Dr Johny Daniel, Assistant Professor, School of Education, Durham University; and Chloe Schendel-Wilson, Co-Founder and Director, Disability Policy Centre.
All delegates were able to contribute to the output of the conference, which will be shared with parliamentary, ministerial, departmental and regulatory offices, and more widely. This includes the full proceedings and additional articles submitted by delegates. As well as key stakeholders, those that attended include parliamentary pass-holders from the House of Commons and officials from DfE; IfATE; HMCTS; HMRC; Ofsted; and the HoC Library.