Westminster Social Policy Forum

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Next steps for Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project reform in England and Wales

efficiency & the consent process | spatial planning | mitigating costs & delays | legal challenges | community engagement & environmental impact | NISTA’s new role | certainty for developers & investors


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This conference will discuss priorities for the Nationally Significant Infrastructure Project regime in England and Wales.

It will be an opportunity for stakeholders and policymakers to assess reforms to the NSIP scheme, with a focus on operational reforms aiming to ensure a smoother process, as well as recent changes to the National Planning Policy Framework, ahead of the likely introduction of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill to Parliament in the spring.

It follows the recent announcement by the Prime Minister of plans to change the rules regarding NSIPs, with the aim of speeding up the decision-making process and reducing legal challenges, as well as the Chancellor of the Exchequer recently committing to a number of major infrastructure projects and reform of the planning system, including potential airport expansion, nuclear power projects and plans to deliver 16GW of offshore wind.

We are pleased to be able to include a keynote session with Lord Banner KC. Following the Government’s acceptance of recommendations in his independent review of approaches to reforming the judicial review process for Development Consent Orders, the conference will look at implications going forward and the implementation of the review’s findings. We expect discussion on the way forward for reducing infrastructure project costs, with the National Infrastructure Commission identifying challenges in the sector in their recent Cost drivers of major infrastructure projects in the UK report.

Delegates will examine proposed changes, and what will be required in implementation to achieve aims of simplified consenting processes that enable quick but thorough evaluations, reducing overall delays, minimising costs, addressing concerns surrounding legal challenges, and supporting certainty for investors, developers and communities.

The agenda includes discussion on the broadened range of developments that may soon opt into the regime, looking at the reintegration of large onshore wind projects and threshold changes for nationally significant projects. Latest thinking on the role of local communities will also be examined, as well as strategies for strengthening engagement and priorities for supporting the natural environment.

Further discussion is expected on the proposed role of the National Infrastructure and Service Transformation Authority as it moves toward planned operation in spring 2025, looking at priorities for its effective implementation.

Further keynote speakers include: Alicia Ford, Deputy Director, National Infrastructure Planning, MHCLG; Charlotte Mitchell, Chief Planning Officer, National Grid; Dr Pauleen Lane, Professional Lead, Infrastructure, Planning Inspectorate; Mike Burke, Programme Director, Sustainable Development, Natural England; Nick Grant, Barrister, Landmark Chambers; and Robbie Owen, Partner and Head, Infrastructure Planning and Government Affairs, Pinsent Masons.

Overall, planned areas for discussion include:

  • assessing key reforms:
    • Nationally Significant Infrastructure action plan implementation - updates to National Policy Statements
    • alignment with a forthcoming 10-year infrastructure strategy - adapting to proposals in the National Planning Policy Framework
    • the forthcoming Planning and Infrastructure Bill, expected early in 2025
  • streamlining consent: issues for implementation - examining fast-track approvals - balancing speed with thorough evaluation - clarifying revised guidance - reducing administrative complexities
  • strengthening community input: achieving meaningful local engagement - strategies for building trust with stakeholders - addressing concerns fairly - transparent decision-making
  • environmental safeguards: developing and applying robust mitigation measures - integrating net zero targets - protecting habitats - prioritising sustainable resource use - applying mandatory BNG to DCOs
  • NSIP scope: adjusting thresholds for solar and wind - considering eligibility for laboratories and data centres - reviewing reintegration of onshore wind - shaping a flexible project pipeline
  • legal challenges: reviewing recommendations from Lord Banner and options going forward - evaluating judicial review processes - fair access to justice - assessing options for limiting delays
  • project costs: next steps following NIC findings - strategies for refining budgeting and design - supporting and rolling out innovative construction methods - improving delivery efficiency
  • strategic oversight: priorities for NISTA’s new role - coordination on national priorities - accountability in implementation - best practice for resilient infrastructure planning - options for more efficient construction methods - increasing certainty for investors and developers

All delegates will be able to contribute to the output of the conference, which will be shared with parliamentary, ministerial, departmental and regulatory offices, and more widely. This includes the full proceedings and additional articles submitted by delegates. As well as key stakeholders, those due to attend include parliamentary pass-holders from the House of Commons and officials from MHCLG; Cabinet Office; NIC; ORR; CCC; Defra; DESNZ; DBT; DfT; DECC, ROI; OEP; EA; Forestry Commission; GLD; HM Treasury; NWF; Ofwat; the Welsh Government; and The Scottish Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda