Westminster Health Forum

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Priorities for delivering long-term progress in the NHS - implementation, service development and delivery, the role of ICSs, primary and social care, patient involvement, reducing variation, and data and innovation

February 2023

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference was a timely opportunity to examine the strategic priorities for the updated NHS Long Term Plan - expected in due course - the objectives it lays out, and priorities and issues for implementation.

The discussion also took place at a time of significant change, with the recent move to integrated care systems (ICSs) as the main delivery bodies for local care, and plans to merge NHS bodies such as NHS Digital and Health Education England into NHS England.

Key areas for discussion included:

  • strategic priorities:
    • identifying areas of focus for delivery of quality care
    • assessing progress made on achieving goals in the existing plan
    • the impact of COVID-19 on progress and system priorities
  • integrated care systems:
    • what will be needed for ICSs to deliver targets, develop plans and support the delivery of goals outlined in the Long Term Plan
    • progress and next steps for achieving successful integration through cross-sector collaboration
  • clinical targets:
    • assessing measures to meet key clinical targets, reduce waiting times and improve referral pathways
    • priorities for developing the workforce to support delivery
  • urgent and emergency care:
    • examining options for reducing burden, streamlining and reform
    • improving availability of out-of-hospital services
    • optimising use of services such as NHS 111
  • digital healthcare:
    • what will be needed to develop a digital health landscape that is sufficient to meet ambitions in the plan
    • what can be learned from the experience of digital health so far, in order to inform priorities, new approaches and best practice
  • population health:
    • harnessing the potential of patient data to tackle health inequalities and develop targeted services
    • next steps for preventative approaches as part of long-term healthcare strategy

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote contributions from William Pett, Senior Policy Advisor, NHS Confederation; Jacob Lant, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, Healthwatch; Dr Amanda Begley, Executive Director of Digital Transformation, Health Innovation Network; Professor Iain Buchan, Associate Pro Vice Chancellor for Innovation and Chair of Public Health and Clinical Informatics, University of Liverpool; and Dr Parth Patel, Senior Research Fellow, Institute for Public Policy Research.

The conference was an opportunity for the stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the Cabinet Office; CQC; DIT; Department of Health, NI; CCS; DWP; GLD; HMPPS; the House of Commons Library; MHRA; NAO; OHID; OLS; ONS; POST; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government - as well as by parliamentary pass-holders from The House of Lords.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda