Westminster Education Forum

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Next steps for Level 3 qualifications reform in England - policy priorities | rollout of AAQs | future of T Levels | proposed Advanced British Standard | teacher preparation | role of employers | careers guidance

June 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference considered the future of reformed Level 3 qualifications and priorities for the post-16 qualification landscape in England.

It was a timely opportunity to discuss the rollout of AAQs, the new suite of reformed, Level 3, post-16, alternative academic qualifications, and how Level 3 qualifications reform now fits with long-term ambitions for the qualification landscape, and alongside the proposed Advanced British Standard (ABS) and ABS (Occupational).

Stakeholders and policymakers examined what has been learned from the approvals and regulatory process for AAQs, and best practice in current teaching across Level 3.

Attendees considered preparations for the delivery of reformed technical qualifications, looking at next steps for professional development for teachers and raising awareness of the new suite of qualifications for learners and employers. The role of employers in designing reformed technical qualifications was discussed, as well as what will be needed if the qualifications are to help achieve the aim of bridging skills gaps and meeting the needs of the labour market moving forward.

Delegates also assessed priorities for T Levels, discussing progress so far, assessing the value and availability of work placements for students and employers, and addressing concerns surrounding T Level recruitment and retention. Attendees looked at strategies for increasing the enrolment of students in the T Level Foundation Year and T Level programmes, and working with employers to improve work placements and student progression.

Further sessions considered the impact on staff workload and student satisfaction, as well as the alignment of Level 2 and below qualifications with Level 3 reform. Delegates assessed the offer for adult learners and the role of qualifications at Level 3 in improving social mobility. They assessed the destinations of Level 3 students and how well the reformed qualifications are likely to prepare students for further study and the labour market.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Craig Myers, Deputy Director, T Level Policy, Department for Education; Tom Reed, Head, Cohort Impact, Department for Education; Dr Elizabeth Gregory, Lecturer in Education, University of Manchester; and John Yarham, Deputy Chief Executive, The Careers and Enterprise Company.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • the future of Level 3 qualifications: assessing the impact of reform - priorities for the qualification landscape moving forward
  • student attainment and progression: student awareness of qualification options - careers guidance - progression to higher education and employment
  • delivery of reformed technical qualifications: professional development for teachers - employer and learner awareness - bridging skills gaps and anticipating the needs of the labour market
  • alignment with Level 2 qualification reform: pathways for progression for Level 2 students - options for adult learners - assessing the progress of the T Level Transition Programme - alternative policy perspectives
  • the future of T Levels: addressing concerns surrounding work placements - student recruitment and retention - progression to higher education and employment - impact of the Advanced British Standard

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from DfE; IfATE; CMA; DBT; Department for the Economy, NI; DoE, NI; DSIT; GLD; HMPPS; IPO; NAO; and the Welsh Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda