Westminster Social Policy Forum

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Next steps for high streets and towns in the UK - Government’s long-term plan | local authority responsibilities and powers | community engagement | regeneration best practice | housing | transport connectivity | tackling anti-social behaviour

June 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference discussed next steps for regeneration of high streets and towns across the UK, examining policy, support and implementation.

Taking place following publication of the Government’s Long-Term Plan for Towns, announcing investment into 55 towns in the UK, including seven towns in Scotland and four in Wales, it brought stakeholders and policymakers together to examine key issues and opportunities for development and regeneration.

Areas for discussion included:

  • increased devolution of decision-making powers to local authorities
  • growing community engagement
  • tackling anti-social behaviour
  • investment in town centres and stimulating economic growth

It also followed the recent publication of the Labour Party’s Five point plan for high streets, which includes proposals to replace the business rates system with a new system of business property taxation, alongside proposed measures to tackle anti-social behaviour and revamp empty shops, pubs and community spaces.

Delegates considered priorities for new Town Boards in bringing together community leaders, employers, and local authorities with the aim of developing a shared vision for towns and overseeing funding.

They looked at priorities and best practice for engagement with local culture and communities, and achieving the aim of ensuring that local people are at the heart of decisions, as well as next steps for making high streets more attractive and accessible.

Sessions in the agenda assessed the impact of increased powers for local authorities to repurpose vacant properties and enhance collaboration between local businesses and community groups, in the context of the Levelling Up and Regeneration Act 2023, and the role of the High Street Accelerator programme and High Street Rental Auctions.

Tackling crime and anti-social behaviour in towns was a further key focus for the conference, with the Government’s aim to significantly reduce neighbourhood crime by 2030. Delegates assessed proposals in the Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan, and strategies for improving security, including hotspot policing.

The agenda examined policy and implementation around the creation of ‘new towns’, with ambitions for regeneration through delivery of thousands of new homes and potential local authority powers to increase the supply of social housing. Attendees also looked at next steps for transport connectivity, with discussion on the Government’s infrastructure targets, and addressing inconsistent implementation of devolution powers and funding.

Further sessions explored the impact of high business rates, proposals for reform and changing consumer behaviours on high streets and economic growth.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Jacob Young MP, Parliamentary Under Secretary of State, DLUHC; Rick Lawrence, Partnerships Director, LCR Property; Robert Lloyd Sweet, Senior Policy Advisor, Historic England; Professor Malcolm Tait, Professor of Planning, University of Sheffield; and Margaret Dale, Board Member, High Streets Task Force.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • Long-Term Plan for Towns:
    • assessing proposals outlined in the Government’s plan - further options for policy
    • strategies and opportunities for redeveloping high streets and town centres - community engagement and empowerment - priorities and key issues for Town Boards
  • high streets and businesses: the future of retail on England’s high streets and high street competitiveness - key issues for employment and local business growth - promoting community identity
  • net zero: putting in place the investment, innovation and capabilities needed to deliver net zero - best practice for support and implementation of sustainable development for retail businesses
  • housing: strategies for tackling supply, affordability and access in the UK - assessing the potential impact of the creation of new towns to increase the housing supply
  • regeneration best practice: what can be learned from successful town centre development - addressing key challenges - discussing alternative policy approaches to regeneration and housing
  • transport: priorities for developing infrastructure and services to make high streets more accessible - improving regional connectivity to increase visitor numbers
  • anti-social behaviour: addressing issues causing increased anti-social behaviour in town centres across the UK - assessing proposals in the Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from DLUHC; DBT; DfC, NI; DfT; Defra; DWP; ONS; DfI, NI; Home Office; Homes England; Law Commission; RPC; DfE; UKIB; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda