Westminster Higher Education Forum

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Widening participation and access to higher education - access & participation provider plans | improving outcomes | HEI, FE & school collaboration | the future role of universities in skills development

TO BE PUBLISHED September 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference will consider next steps for widening access and participation within HE, and strategies for improving outcomes for students from disadvantaged backgrounds.

It will also be an early opportunity to consider the future direction of policy for supporting improved access to HE in the new Parliament.

The discussion takes place as HEIs submit updated access and participation provider plans (APPs) throughout 2024, mandated by the Office for Students (OfS).

Stakeholders and policymakers will examine progress on APP implementation. They will assess the processes involved for universities, including challenges and best practice in meeting requirements. They will also consider issues around reducing administrative burden, and the way forward for defining and monitoring the success of strategies.

Delegates will also look at best practice in the recruitment, selection and admission of students, supporting diversity and how universities can better support students to achieve their potential.

It will be an opportunity to discuss requirements in the final version of the Quality Assurance Agency’s (QAA) 2024 edition of the Quality Code, which outlines sector-agreed understanding of quality practice across UK HE.

Further sessions look at next steps for HEI collaboration with FE and schools, and providing information, guidance and clarity for students - including the role of technical and vocational routes.

The agenda also looks at improving the contribution to meeting skills needs, including priorities for upskilling, opportunities for mature learners and the future of the Lifelong Learning Entitlement, and provision of part-time, distanced and flexible courses.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions from: Ben Jordan, Director, Strategy, UCAS; and Dr Omar Khan, CEO, Transforming Access and Outcomes in Higher Education.

Overall, delegates will look at:

  • widening participation and improving access to HE: assessing current issues - tackling barriers - wider analysis of the perception of the UK HE offer
  • finance: potential options for reforming the university system to support aspiration and ability to attend university - implications of increased employer demand for undergraduate degrees
  • access and participation provider plans:
    • examining the process for HEIs: addressing challenges - assessing OfS guidance - examples of best practice - incorporating non-traditional degree options into APPs
    • implementation: progress - priorities going forward - reducing administrative burden - enhancing cooperation and boosting effectiveness within the sector
    • monitoring: defining and assessing the success of strategies - measurements such as rates of student retention and satisfaction - potential sanctions for HEIs that do not take applications from diverse backgrounds
  • non-traditional degree options: assessing flexible, part-time, hybrid, technical and short course models - degree apprenticeships access - promoting life-long learning and the rollout of the LLE
  • collaboration: improving HEI relationships with schools and colleges - careers guidance and increasing the visibility of HE options in schools - promoting the value of attending university
  • skills and employment: aligning skills shortages in the UK job market and participation strategies - whole-system approaches to supporting skills development and progression locally
  • student support: tackling inequalities in educational attainment and dropout rates - supporting disadvantaged students and those with logistical or timetabling needs - tutoring and mentoring
  • data: strategies for improving the evidence base around widening participation strategies - examining gaps in data highlighted by the OfS 
  • widening access across the UK: lessons for England from Wales, Scotland and Northern Ireland - potential impact of the Commission for Tertiary Education and Research in Wales

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda