April 2024
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This conference assessed latest developments, priorities and next steps for improving energy efficiency in the UK housing stock.
It was an opportunity for key stakeholders and policymakers to examine latest plans for achieving energy efficiency targets as the Government consults on the Future Homes Standard and Buildings Standard, including proposed strategies for effectively rolling out wider implementation of retrofitting schemes and heat pump instillation, cutting bills for energy consumers, increasing consumer autonomy with smart technologies, and implementing efficiency into new build schemes.
Discussion looked at the current policy landscape for energy efficiency, including the impact of recent rollbacks in commitments such as the scrapping of new minimum EPC ratings for rental properties, and the disbanding of the Energy Efficiency Taskforce.
Delegates also discussed monitoring the impact of the Great British Insulation Scheme, which aims to regulate energy companies to promote energy affordability and decarbonisation.
The agenda brought out views from across the housing sector on priorities for private rented and social housing, and the role of landlords, homeowners and associations.
We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Lord Callanan, Minister for Energy Efficiency and Green Finance, Department for Energy Security and Net Zero; Matthew Copeland, Head of Policy and Public Affairs, National Energy Action; Clare Miller, Chief Executive, Clarion Housing Group; Chris Norris, Director of Policy, Residential Landlords Association; and Professor William Swan, Director, Energy House Laboratories, University of Salford.
Overall, areas for discussion included:
- Standards: next steps for owner-occupied, private-rented and affordable homes - key issues for landlords, home owners and tenants in plans for energy efficiency and housing improvement
- Policy: priorities and options following the disbanding of the Energy Efficiency Taskforce and the scrapping of plans for higher EPC standards - alternative approaches
- Support for households: monitoring and managing energy usage - rollout of retrofit schemes - negotiating short-term costs and long-term savings of energy efficiency measures
- Innovation: assessing new research and technologies aimed at making homes less carbon-intensive and reducing waste - decarbonising the energy supply - rollout and commercialisation
- Efficiency measures in housing stock: costs, support and options for incentives for developers and landlords - energy efficiency in new builds - affordable and green housing schemes
- Local authorities: the role of local councils in setting and enforcing standards - implementing green energy plans - funding and investment for energy improvements and their allocation
- Regulation: next steps for efficiency standards - progress of the Great British Insulation Scheme
- Strategy: options for setting and meeting commitments - financing efficiency measures - establishing stakeholder confidence in policy
The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the CCC; CCS; DESNZ; DLUHC; Ofgem; DAERA, NI; DBT; Defra; Department for Communities NI; Department for the Economy, NI; DfT; HM Revenue and Customs; HM Treasury; Home Office; Homes England; HSE; Isle of Man Government; NAO; NIC; Northern Ireland Assembly; OBR; The Scottish Government; UKIB; and the Welsh Government - as well as a parliamentary pass-holder from the House of Lords.