Westminster Health Forum

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Priorities for dementia diagnosis, care and research in England - ICS & primary care | prevention | diagnosis & care pathways | addressing access & inequalities | research & innovation | delivering the Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission


Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference will discuss the future for dementia diagnosis, care and research in England.

With the Major Conditions Strategy dropped ahead of the upcoming election, and with prevention and earlier diagnosis of major conditions being highlighted as a focus in general election campaigning, the conference will be a timely opportunity for delegates to discuss wider issues for dementia, as well as priorities for policy in the new parliament.

Those attending will examine ambitions and options moving forward, including:

  • supporting earlier diagnosis for dementia by improving understanding of inequalities and risk
  • the role of integrated care systems in delivering system leadership and building relationships between primary care, memory clinics and public services
  • utilising data and innovative dementia profiling tools to identify at-risk populations, and priorities for improving IT systems
  • best practice for primary care in facilitating early intervention

With treatments approaching regulatory approval and NICE appraisal, it will also be an opportunity to discuss next steps for patient access to treatments and their adoption in the NHS, as well as achieving the levels of earlier diagnosis required for them to be effectively delivered.

Further sessions focus on priority areas for dementia research and progress made so far on the Dame Barbara Windsor Dementia Mission, which aims to provide funding and help accelerate development of new treatments for dementia and neurodegenerative conditions though cross-sector collaboration, with the ambition of doubling dementia research by 2024/25.

Delegates will assess priorities for funding and increasing research collaboration to advance innovation in detection, delivery of clinical trials and development of precision therapy for dementia.

Overall, areas for discussion include:

  • progress: long-term policy priorities - the role of ICSs in improving diagnosis and care pathways across local health systems
  • diagnosis: addressing the delays following the pandemic - funding needs - developing early intervention and best practice within primary care - diagnosis in nursing homes
  • prevention: awareness of identifiable symptoms and at-risk groups - addressing regional and ethnic inequalities in diagnosis and care access - memory assessment and tackling clinic backlogs
  • R&I: priority areas for dementia research and advancing clinical trials - key issues for regulation and assessment - funding for developing innovative treatments and detection
  • collaboration: assessing the potential of a vaccines taskforce approach to dementia to support development going forward - opportunities for increasing the role of patient voices in care treatment
  • priorities going forward: regulatory approval for new treatments - adoption in the NHS - financial challenges - improving early diagnosis to boost access to effective treatment

Keynote speakers who have agreed to take part include: Amanda Partington-Todd, Deputy Director, Adult Social Care, Care Quality Commission; Peter Bagshaw, Clinical Lead, Mental Health and Dementia, NHS Somerset; Ian Sherriff, Academic Partnership Lead, Dementia, University of Plymouth; David Thomas, Head, Policy and Public Affairs, Alzheimer’s Research UK; and James White, Head, National Influencing, Alzheimer’s Society.

The conference will be an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who are due to attend from DHSC; DSIT; MHRA; and HMPPS.

The proceedings of the conference will be circulated more widely, to Parliamentarians, ministerial offices, and government and regulatory officials with an interest in the issues being discussed. All delegates will also receive a video recording of the conference.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda