Westminster Health Forum

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Next steps for clinical research in the UK - Lord O'Shaughnessy Review | Life sciences sector recovery and leadership | Improving clinical trial delivery and participation | Innovation, use of data and AI | Workforce and skills development

April 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference examined the future for clinical research in the UK.

It followed the Lord O'Shaughnessy Review on Clinical Research and the Government’s response in December 2023, accepting in principle its proposals for addressing key challenges in conducting trials in the UK and transforming the UK commercial clinical trial environment.

Stakeholders and policymakers discussed next steps for implementation of recommendations from the review, including reducing regulatory burdens, improving clinical trials and participation by both clinicians and the public, developing targets, reporting and public engagement, and putting in place a comprehensive framework of metrics for government ambitions for clinical research.

The conference was an opportunity to discuss innovative approaches to advancing UK clinical research leadership internationally, and to meet ambitions in The Future of UK Clinical Research Delivery 10-year vision as activity in the life sciences sector recovers from the pandemic. Areas for discussion included strategies for transformation of the research environment and resolving key challenges in conducting commercial clinical trials.

Delegates assessed the future for innovation, including utilising AI for medical discoveries, delivery of clinical trials, and supporting patient and clinician engagement with research.

Attendees examined advances in the use of data, and its security and management, to improve the outcomes of clinical trials, as well as approaches to improving the administration and infrastructure for delivery of clinical trials.

Further sessions in the agenda assessed new approaches to workforce and skills development, improving accessibility and participation within research, including the use of virtual studies, and overcoming current challenges in delivering research in healthcare settings closer to the community.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Emma Lowe, Head of Clinical Research Delivery, Science, Research and Evidence Directorate, DHSC; Becky Purvis, Director of Policy and Partnerships, Health Research Authority; Dr Rachel Armstrong, Principal, Head of Real World Database Studies UK, IQVIA; and Andrea Manfrin, Deputy Director of Clinical Trials and Investigations, MHRA.

Sessions in the agenda included:

  • UK clinical research: progress and priorities for recovery, innovation and transformation
  • clinical trials: 
    • efficiency and delivery - regulation and standards - growing the research workforce
    • increasing participation and diversity - patient and clinician engagement - building trust and transparency in research
  • innovation:
    • implementation and development to improve clinical research outcomes - AI in clinical trial design - wearable technology and remote monitoring - digitalisation
    • secure data environments - use of real-world data - improving data management
    • improving access - raising public awareness - developing the NHS app
    • funding and R&D priorities - increasing collaboration between the NHS and research industry
  • policy: next steps for delivering long-term ambitions for clinical trials and life sciences research

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from DHSC; DoH, NI; CPRD; MHRA; DBT; OLS; UKHSA; IPO; and the Welsh Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda