Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

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Next steps for aviation decarbonisation in the UK

policy & immediate priorities | Sustainable Aviation Fuel Bill | implementing the 10% SAF mandate | commercial issues | infrastructure, airport operations & system efficiency | regulation | skills | innovation & investment

January 2025

Starting from: £99 + VAT

This conference focused on next steps for decarbonising the aviation industry in the UK.

It was an opportunity to examine strategies to increase production and adoption of Sustainable Aviation Fuel (SAF), looking at supporting innovation and private investment in SAF and hydrogen-based fuel production, alongside government support and funding options. It took place following the SAF mandate becoming law, alongside recent establishment of the new Jet Zero Taskforce, as well as the Budget announcing that the Government will extend the Advanced Fuels Fund for an extra year and increase air passenger duty and duty for larger private jets.

The conference brought policymakers and stakeholders together to discuss the direction of government policy, looking at implications of the new mandate for a 10% SAF target for aviation fuels by 2030 - as outlined in the proposed SAF (Revenue Support Mechanism) Bill announced in the King’s Speech. Delegates considered how it will affect the UK’s aviation sector and supply chain, as well as its contribution to national decarbonisation targets.

As the Government consults on implementing the Carbon Offsetting and Reduction Scheme for International Aviation (CORSIA), we expected discussion on proposed enforcement measures for compliance, draft legislation, and policy options for integrating CORSIA with the UK Emissions Trading Scheme (UK ETS), including either a hybrid approach or applying UK ETS alone. Sessions assessed strategies to manage cost implications for consumers, approaches to maintaining the competitiveness of UK airlines, and the way forward for fostering global alignment to avoid market distortions and uphold fair competition in international aviation.

Sessions explored timelines and financial frameworks to support revenue certainty for SAF production in the UK, including sustainability strategies such as diversifying feedstock sources. Delegates assessed options for funding mechanisms and incentives for SAF production and infrastructure development, and prospects for decreasing production costs and boosting investor confidence.

They also assessed steps to align SAF production with safety and environmental standards, looking at priorities for developing training programmes to address skills gaps and support green job creation in emerging sustainable aviation technologies. Sessions examined budget allocation in this area, given the recent government announcement of £975m over the next five years to accelerate growth and innovation, and the extension of the Aerospace Technology Institute Programme, which aims to speed up innovation and create job opportunities.

Options for improving operational efficiency in airports were examined, in light of recent government consultations on airspace modernisation. Areas for discussion included priorities for regulation, the way forward for modernising air traffic management systems to reduce suboptimal flight routes, and assessing the potential of AI deployment as a regulatory mechanism for safety, efficiency and innovation.

Infrastructure readiness was also discussed, including what will be needed to ensure that airports can accommodate SAF storage and integrate greener processes like hydrogen capabilities into operations, as well as options for supporting and monitoring airport progress towards net zero emissions targets.

Delegates evaluated plans to support aviation decarbonisation through carbon offsetting programmes, such as integrating greenhouse gas removals (GGRs) to offset emissions and developing a circular fleet recycling and renewal system. Sessions explored partnership frameworks for airports, airlines and technology providers relating to decarbonisation, including views on the future fuels mix and the role of synthetic fuels.

Further sessions considered the UK’s role in global aviation emission reduction agreements and alignment with EU environmental standards. Opportunities for international collaboration to drive investment and best practice were discussed, alongside implications for domestic policy and priorities for policy coordination.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • policy: assessing government priorities and the SAF Bill - SAF mandate implementation - implications for the aviation sector - practicalities of the 10% SAF target by 2030
  • finance: supporting innovation and private investment in SAF production - options for revenue certainty mechanisms - decreasing production costs
  • supply chain: addressing availability and resilience - sustainable and diversified feedstock sources - encouraging advanced fuels such as power-to-liquid
  • infrastructure: airport readiness to accommodate SAF storage - integrating hydrogen capabilities into operations - modernising air traffic systems
  • skills: addressing gaps - developing training programmes - supporting green job creation in sustainable aviation technologies
  • airports: strategies and best practice for improving operational efficiency - modernisation of air-traffic management - deployment of AI for safety and innovation - regulatory priorities
  • integrating decarbonisation: aligning SAF production with safety and environmental standards - greenhouse gas removals - developing circular fleet recycling
  • partnerships: fostering government and industry collaboration - supporting carbon offsetting programmes - accelerating zero emission aircraft development
  • international cooperation: UK’s role in global emission reduction agreements - alignment with EU standards - international collaboration for investment and best practice
  • monitoring progress: supporting and evaluating airport progress towards net zero emissions targets - setting benchmarks and metrics - ensuring transparency and accountability

All delegates were able to contribute to the output of the conference, which will be shared with parliamentary, ministerial, departmental and regulatory offices, and more widely. This includes the full proceedings and additional articles submitted by delegates. As well as key stakeholders, those that attended include officials from Defra; DESNZ; DfT; DBT; DSIT; NIC; HM Treasury; Transport Scotland; DfE, NI; DAERA, NI; Department for the Economy, NI; EA; GLD; HoC Library; HSE; MOD; Transport Scotland; and The Scottish Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda