Westminster Energy, Environment & Transport Forum

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Next steps for aviation decarbonisation in the UK - Jet Zero Strategy | Sustainable Aviation Fuels | Zero emission airport operations | R&D & commercialisation of innovation | Achieving wider societal benefits

May 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference discussed next steps for decarbonising the UK aviation sector.

It brought stakeholders together with policymakers to examine priorities for delivering net zero aviation, in the context of ambitions in DfT’s Jet Zero Strategy, including next steps for the 5-year delivery plan and implications for industry.

Delegates assessed plans to build the sustainable aviation fuel (SAF) industry and develop zero emission flights in the UK, considering costs, efficiency factors, timeframes for implementation, creating successful carbon markets and developing GGRs to offset emissions, as well as options for developing a circular fleet recycling and renewal system. Discussion also considered the Government’s aim to maintain the benefits of air travel whilst maximising wider opportunities for decarbonising the sector in line with targets outlined in the Jet Zero Strategy.

Further sessions discussed priorities for research and development, including in carbon mitigation and innovative methods to reduce aviation emissions, and also the potential of AI deployment as a regulatory mechanism for safety, efficiency and innovation.

It was also an opportunity to consider next steps for putting in place the enablers for sector decarbonisation, such as for airport operations in light of the 2040 zero emissions airport target, including the impact this earlier target will have on the wider objective for a net zero sector by 2050, as well as approaches to unlocking wider environmental, community and financial benefits in the UK.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Holly Greig, Deputy Director, Aviation Climate Change, Department for Transport; Andrew Chadwick, Ecosystem Director, Air Mobility and Airports, Connected Places Catapult; Thomas Fowler, Director of Sustainability and Finance, Ryanair; and Hannah Pollard, Head of Sustainability, Bristol Airport.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • Jet Zero Strategy: assessing aims outlined in the strategy - the role and workstreams of the Jet Zero Council - progress thus far - evaluating practicality, logistics and achievability
  • sustainable and alternative aviation fuels: priorities for developing a robust and abundant SAF industry in the UK
  • carbon impact: minimising carbon emissions from the industry - utilising technology and innovation to mitigate and offset the impact of carbon emissions - decarbonising airport operations
  • cost implications: impact on businesses, suppliers, consumers and other industry stakeholders
  • priorities for R&D: the roll-out, scaling up and commercialisation of innovation and technology - considering SAFs, hydrogen, zero-emission aircrafts, GGRs, AI and other technological advances
  • options for renewing and recycling fleets: organisational and estate decarbonisation - considering financial and sustainability costs
  • investment: financing options for stakeholders - addressing revenue uncertainty - the role of aviation decarbonisation in enabling investor confidence
  • enhancing sectoral benefits for the UK: supporting greater national and international market access for the UK in business and trade - realising the potential of guilt-free tourism to, from and within the UK
  • skills and jobs: increasing green skills and jobs demand - contributing to the growth of the aviation sector

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the Cabinet Office; CAA; CCC; Defra; EA; DfT; MAA; DfE; DESNZ; DAERA, NI; DBT; Department for the Economy, NI; DSIT; HM Treasury; HoC Library; HSE; NIC; The Planning Inspectorate; Transport Scotland; UKIB; and the Welsh Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda