Westminster Legal Policy Forum

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Next steps for tackling anti-social behaviour in England and Wales - increased powers and funding | collaborative frameworks | safeguarding and redress | implementation and enforcement | community engagement | alternative policy options

December 2023

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference focused on next steps for tackling anti-social behaviour in England and Wales.

It brought together key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss implementation and the potential impact of the Government’s Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan, published earlier this year.

With aims to increase powers and funding to local authorities, PCCs and police forces to tackle the issue, delegates discussed enforcement in communities, and priorities for policing and for supporting victims, as well as redress for those affected by anti-social behaviour.

It was an opportunity to assess the initial progress of hotspot policing and immediate justice pilots in Durham, with figures published in October 2023 indicating a reduction in anti-social behaviour rates as a result.

Following The Scottish Government’s announcement of a new, independently chaired working group aiming to address anti-social behaviour, delegates explored findings and recommendations of the report conducted in collaboration with the Scottish Community Safety Network, priorities for tackling key issues, and what can be learnt from other jurisdictions.

Further sessions examined delivery of the Action Plan, including consideration of resources and funding, collaboration between key sectors, enforcement, and priorities for best practice. Delegates also looked at tackling anti-social behaviour on public transport, with the Government launching pilot schemes to introduce new transport safety officers.

There was also discussion on concerns that some proposed measures could have unintended negative consequences for some groups in society, latest thinking on addressing underlying socio-economic factors and alternative approaches to policy on anti-social behaviour.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Joy Allen, Police and Crime Commissioner, Durham; and Benjamin Archer, Lecturer in Law, Department of Law and Criminology, Sheffield Hallam University; John Hayward-Cripps, Chief Executive Officer, Neighbourhood Watch Network; and Lorraine Gillies, Chief Officer, Scottish Community Safety Network.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • Anti-Social Behaviour Action Plan: assessing potential impact - recent trends - increased powers - resourcing and use of funding - developing a collaborative approach
  • victims: considering the impact of anti-social behaviour on those affected - priorities for safeguarding - approaches to redress and achieving justice 
  • enforcement: assessing progress and next steps for anti-social behaviour policing - hotspot policing and immediate justice schemes - dispersal orders - enforcement strategy 
  • community engagement: fostering collaborative approaches - roles of local stakeholders in prevention and early intervention - public messaging and encouraging orderly behaviour - best practice
  • targeting enforcement: considering unintended consequences of dispersal orders and other powers - protecting vulnerable groups from homelessness and criminalisation
  • policy options: exploring alternative strategies for reducing anti-social behaviour - addressing underlying socio-economic factors - frameworks for adapting policy to deal with future challenges

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from DfE; DLUHC; Home Office; MOJ; and The Scottish Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda