December 2023
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This conference assessed the future for the use of AI in legal practice and implications for law firms, those working in them, and service users.
It brought together stakeholders and policymakers to examine regulatory challenges, and the direction of policy following the Government’s white paper on A pro-innovation approach to AI regulation.
Discussion looked at how AI technologies can be utilised to increase both access and efficiency for legal services.
Delegates discussed strategies and challenges for effective implementation of AI to enhance process and services, including where the human-machine interfaces lie in different contexts, and priorities for mitigating potential risks that AI poses.
It was also an opportunity to discuss how AI deployment in the sector may impact the roles of legal professionals and the day-to-day running of services for different legal positions.
Further sessions examined the impact of AI transitions within the legal sector on training and education for both existing and aspiring lawyers, and how to effectively navigate and support lawyers through a transition to increased integration of AI within legal practice.
We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Matthew Hill, Chief Executive, Legal Services Board; Professor Richard Susskind, President, Society for Computers and Law; Ian Jeffrey, Chief Executive Officer, Law Society; and Shobana Iyer, Vice-Chair, Legal Services Committee, Bar Council.
Overall, areas for discussion included:
- regulatory implications: assessing the impact of AI technology on regulation in the legal profession, including AI technology as an entity and issues of accountability
- consumer impact: what legal services may look like for consumers when supported by AI - access to services - mitigating risks of data and biases - what this means for accountability and liability
- ensuring the quality of AI integration: exploring frameworks and strategies needed to effectively integrate technology into legal services - how the quality of AI can be measured and maintained
- the legal workforce and an AI transition:
- implications across all roles in firms, as well as legal education, upskilling and CPD
- best practice in supporting adaptation - impact on aspiring and newly qualified lawyers
- R&D: priorities for future investment to sustain the development of AI in the legal sector
- future direction: exploring the priorities for the legal profession moving forward as AI technologies continue to advance
The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from DBT; DCMS; Defra; DfE; DfT; DLUHC; DSIT; DWP; GLD; HMCTS; HMRC; HM Treasury; Home Office; HSE; IfATE; MOJ; NAO; NCA; Ofcom; ORR; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.