Westminster Employment Forum

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Priorities for supporting inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace - benefits and assessment reform proposals | priorities for the Disability Action Plan | the role of employers | addressing inequalities

December 2023

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference examined priorities to support the inclusion of people with disabilities in the workplace.

It was an opportunity to discuss key issues following the Chancellor’s spring budget announcements, including:

  • the Transforming Support: Health and Disability White Paper - with proposed change to fit to work tests
  • the Back to work Budget - targeting parents, over 50s, disabled people and their careers to fill labour shortages in the UK

The conference brought stakeholders together with policymakers to assess priorities in ensuring that both businesses and individuals have the resources, knowledge and opportunities to create an inclusive and safe work environment, where disabled people are able to succeed in fulfilling careers.

Sessions examined opportunities to support the recruitment, retention and return of employees with disabilities, and discuss ways to reduce barriers into employment.

Delegates also looked at lessons learned from the National Disability Strategy, and how the Disability Action Plan can be taken forward following its publication in July.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Eleanor Gall, Employment Policy Manager, Equality and Human Rights Commission; Rick Brunt, Director, Engagement and Policy Division, Health and Safety Executive; and Mark Hodgkinson, Chief Executive, Scope.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • policy:
    • assessing proposed government reforms to benefits and work assessments - alternative options for policy
    • implementation of key measures in the new Disability Action Plan - opportunities for representation in decision-making processes
  • workplace support and priorities for employers:
    • strategies for employers to improve inclusivity - support for SMEs - flexible recruitment programmes
    • best practice for retention of staff with disabilities - supporting sickness-related absences and return to work
  • reducing barriers for disabled people: understanding different conditions - innovation in accessibility - the impact of new flexible working reforms
  • addressing employment inequalities:
    • creating opportunities for disabled people to progress into leadership positions
    • tackling the concerns surrounding digital accessibility and the disability pay gap

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the Department for the Economy, NI; Department of Public Expenditure, NDPD and Reform, ROI; Department of Social Protection, ROI; DfT; DHSC; DSIT; DWP; HMPPS; HMRC; Home Office; HSE; MOJ; NAO; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda