Policy Forum for Ireland

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Next steps for transport policy and investment in Ireland - policy priorities, decarbonisation, public transport and rail, active travel and EVs, infrastructure, urban and rural connectivity, and supporting balanced regional development

April 2023

Starting from: €97.75 + VAT

This conference examined next steps for the Irish land-transport sector, looking at investment, decarbonisation and public transport.

It was a timely opportunity to assess the National Investment Framework for Transport, which is part of Project Ireland 2040 - the Irish Government’s long-term, overarching development strategy, in light of recent developments including the Government’s updated Climate Action Plan.

Key stakeholders and policymakers considered plans to shift investment priorities towards transport decarbonisation, and away from new roads and private car use.

In light of the announcement of €290m funding for active travel schemes across the country, delegates discussed issues around land reform and spatial planning to support development of public transport, active travel and sustainable transport infrastructure.

They also assessed how this can be achieved in more spread-out, rural areas, and strategic options for investment to support more balanced regional development.

It took place in the wake of an OECD report recommending a major redesign of the Irish transport sector in order to make it compatible with sector emissions targets. Concerns raised in the report include an over-reliance on private cars, and the need for a redesign of the road system to facilitate increased active travel and use of public transport.

Further sessions discussed options for developing the provision of alternative fuels, such as hydrogen and wind, and supporting the development and scale up of renewable energy sources and sustainable aviation fuels.

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote contributions from Andrew Ebrill, Principal Officer, Public Transport Investment and Policy, Department of Transport; Anne Graham, Chief Executive Officer, National Transport Authority; John Burke, SVP, The Nest, SMBC Aviation Capital; and Caoimhe Donnelly, Chief Sustainability Officer, Córas Iompair Éireann.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • sector decarbonisation - meeting climate targets
  • developing alternative fuels such as hydrogen and wind - assessing schemes for scaling up renewable energy sources
  • considering Ireland’s role in the development of sustainable aviation fuels - decarbonising the aviation sector
  • investing in sustainable, intra-urban transport links - next steps for the MetroLink project in Dublin
  • facilitating a shift away from over-dependence on private transport
  • next steps for ZEV infrastructure
  • priorities for urban and rural connectivity
  • maintenance of Ireland’s public transport fleet - investment in climate-friendly assets

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the Department of Transport; Department of Education; DHLGH; DAERA, NI; Defra; Department for Infrastructure, NI; Department of Finance, NI; The Executive Office, NI; UKSA; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government, as well as by parliamentary pass-holders from Seanad Eireann.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materialfs, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda