Westminster Media Forum

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Next steps for football governance in England - New legislation | Independent regulator | Scope, frameworks and implementation | Financial sustainability | Licensing and ownership | Duty of care and player welfare | Voice of fans

March 2024

Price: £150 PLUS VAT

This conference has focused on next steps for football governance in England.

Discussion explored priorities for ensuring the long-term financial sustainability of football, looking at key issues at all levels of the game following the announcement in the recent King’s Speech of a Football Governance Bill.

It brought key stakeholders together with policymakers to examine the way forward for implementing an independent football regulator in England, and priorities for achieving a smooth transition into a regulatory landscape. It followed the consultation responses to the DCMS white paper A sustainable future - reforming club football governance.

Delegates considered the development of the independent regulator, looking at interoperability with existing governing bodies, issues around independence and impartiality, and the way forward for fostering long-term financial sustainability across all five tiers of English football.

We also expected discussion on measures outlined by the Government following the King’s Speech, including the introduction of a licensing system for clubs, creating a new owner’s and director’s test, and an emphasis on fan engagement.

Attendees assessed priorities for the in-depth ‘State of Football’ study being undertaken by the regulator to assess the financial health of the industry, as well as discussing the timescale and pathways for regulatory implementation, management and operation, including the possible introduction of a Shadow Regulator.

Further key areas for discussion included:

  • driving the sustainable financial growth of the women’s game
  • the state of grassroots football support, and improving equality, diversity and inclusion throughout all levels
  • measures to improve the welfare of players and officials, and the way forward for tackling all forms of abuse

We are pleased to have been able to include keynote sessions with: Ben Dean, Director, Sport and Gambling, DCMS; Rick Parry, Chairman, English Football League; Tony Burnett, Chief Executive Officer, Kick It Out; Niall Couper, Chief Executive Officer, Fair Game; Christopher Davis, Principal, Regulation and Market Design, Oxera; and Dr Christina Philippou, Principal Lecturer, Accounting, Economics and Finance, University of Portsmouth.

Overall, areas for discussion included:

  • independent regulator:
    • next steps for implementation - key policy priorities following the fan-led review of football governance - ensuring long-term financial sustainability - informing best practice
    • preparing for the operation phase and a smooth transition - next steps for major projects such as the proposed State of Football study
    • the shape of the new licensing system for clubs - creating a new owner’s and director’s test - ensuring that fans have their say in the future of the game
  • regulatory frameworks: proposed scope and practicalities - working alongside existing football governing bodies - managing overlap - ensuring independence and impartiality
  • implementation measures: analysing the financial health of the industry on both a micro and macro level - putting the structures in place for full regulation across all five tiers of English football
  • financial sustainability: distribution of revenue - parachute payments - wage bills, debt and commercial deals - priorities for sustainable financial growth of the women’s game
  • duty of care: supporting football governing bodies in addressing concerns around player welfare, equality, diversity and inclusion at all levels

The conference was an opportunity for stakeholders to consider the issues alongside key policy officials who attended from the DBT; DCMS; DSIT; House of Commons Library; NAO; Ofcom; The Scottish Government; and the Welsh Government - as well as parliamentary pass-holders from both Houses of Parliament.

This on-demand pack includes

  • A full video recording of the conference as it took place, with all presentations, Q&A sessions, and remarks from chairs
  • An automated transcript of the conference
  • Copies of the slides used to accompany speaker presentations (subject to permission
  • Access to on-the-day materials, including speaker biographies, attendee lists and the agenda