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This booking form is for Parliamentarians, Central Government officials and reporting media. Other delegates please click here to book.
Places at this seminar are complimentary for Parliamentarians, Central Government officials and reporting media.
Booking-related queries, or information on speaking: or . Joining instructions will be sent five working days before your conference. If you cannot find these in your inbox please email
Efficiency and tackling backlogs in the courts system in England and Wales
Monday, 28th April 2025
9am - 1pm (registration from 8.30am)
***Taking place Online - delegates will receive full information and guidance on how to take part***
1st Delegate
We need your twitter handle so you can network online with other conference participants. We’ll include the twitter handle of everyone who wants to network in the delegate list. By filling in this box you agree for yours to be on the list. Please use @wfpevents in your tweets so others can find them.
RECORDING: The Westminster Legal Policy Forum records all proceedings. Delegates consent for their questions and comments from the floor to be included in the recording sent out after the event. Any delegates wishing to take photographs or make audio or video recordings of any part of the event must first obtain permission from the Westminster Legal Policy Forum with as much forward notice as possible, principally as a courtesy to speakers and other participants whose agreement will be sought. Delegates agree not to publish any portion of the proceedings they may have recorded without permission. If permission is granted this is on the strict understanding that only brief extracts will be used, that they will not be used in a misleading context and that the speaker and any organisation they represent, and the Westminster Legal Policy Forum, are acknowledged. CONDITIONS FOR ACCESS: All delegates are sent an invite link to receive the register within Microsoft Teams in the days prior to the event. The link to join the event is strictly for access by the delegate only. The Westminster Legal Policy Forum events are only accessible to named delegates who receive email instructions to register for the event. The event can only be accessed and viewed online by the named delegate, and the content cannot be streamed to multiple people or access given to anyone else. The Westminster Legal Policy Forum has the right to investigate through their online conferencing systems any case where access to the event is obtained by anyone else other than the named delegates on the booking. Where the Westminster Legal Policy Forum finds evidence of illegitimate access to our events, an invoice will be issued to the organisation or individual for the full cost of a delegate place on that event. Failure to pay any invoice could result in the organisation or individual being restricted access to future events until the invoice has been cleared. Anyone who is found to have shared an invite link knowingly by publicising on social media and/or other means may be liable for the full cost of any non-paying person who accessed the event through the link. DELEGATE INFORMATION: All delegate details will be kept for our records, but we will not share your contact details with any other company or individuals. The delegate list for the event (name, job title and organisation only) will be shared with attendees, sponsors and recipients of the transcript for networking purposes. CONDITIONS FOR USE OF RECORDINGS: This recording is intended to provide a timely reference for interested parties who are unable to attend the event to which it refers. Anyone who intends to publicly use or refer to any quotes from the recording should make clear that speakers have not had the opportunity for any corrections, or check first with the speaker in question. If in doubt, please contact the Forum first.
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