Morning, Thursday, 22nd May 2025
With one in 8 young people currently not in work, education or training, this conference will examine next steps for tackling youth unemployment in England. Delegates will discuss implementation of the Government’s Youth Guarantee, and its aim to ensure every 18-21 year-old in England gets access to education, training, or help to find a job or an apprenticeship.
Challenges and scope of the Youth Guarantee
Attendees will assess the scale and scope of the Youth Guarantee, with concerns expressed by some stakeholders that it is based on existing provision and entitlements which can already be accessed by young people, rather than new initiatives, and excludes young people between the ages of 21-24.
Sessions will also look at the 8 youth trailblazer areas announced by the Government to initially implement the Youth Guarantee, and how young people most at risk of falling out of education and employment can effectively be identified, and successfully matched to training or job opportunities.
Apprenticeship reform
Those attending will also assess latest proposals to improve access to training and employment opportunities for young people, and the impact of the introduction of the new Growth and Skills Levy on apprenticeship participation - including reducing the minimum length of an apprenticeship from 12 months to 8, and removing the need for students to complete a Level 2 course in English and maths to pass their apprenticeship.
We expect the suggestion for an Apprenticeship Guarantee from the Chartered Institute of Personnel and Development to be discussed, and further steps that could be taken to help increase the number of young people undertaking apprenticeships, and to combine working and learning.
Opportunities in the labour market
Sessions will also consider approaches to increasing the availability and quality of jobs for young people, and strategies for tackling longstanding and emerging skills gaps.
Areas for discussion include what will be needed to achieve sustainability for the new system, as envisaged by the Government. What can be learned and carried forward from previous employment programmes will also be consider, especially in supporting those at greatest risk of inactivity.
Joint working
We expect collaboration to be a focus of discussion. Latest thinking on effective partnership-building will be discussed - to bring together education and training providers, employers, cultural and sporting organisations, combined and local authorities, and community organisations - as well as best practice in delivering sustainable career pathways.
Delegates will also look at implications for apprenticeship providers and SMEs, and the balance between business incentives and Youth Guarantee commitments. Further discussion is expected on how to connect wraparound services - including health and education - so that barriers to work are addressed collaboratively.
Wider policy developments
It will also be an opportunity for key stakeholders and policymakers to discuss the policy landscape more broadly, including measures in the Spring Statement, and the Get Britain Working White Paper, which sets out government plans to create a joined-up approach to cut the current welfare bill through employment, education and health support, as well as the proposed National Youth Strategy, currently in development.
We expect discussion on the way forward for implementation of policy initiatives to effectively respond to challenges, such as regional disparities and long-term rates of those not in education, employment or training. Those attending will also assess the impact on young people of government’s recent proposal to delay access to the universal credit health element until age 22 and reinvest into work support and training for young people.
Overall areas for further discussion:
- policy: the Youth Guarantee - the Get Britain Working White Paper - the Spring Statement - the proposed National Youth Strategy - priorities moving forward
- funding: implementation of recent commitments - balancing local area needs - ensuring equitable distribution - achieving long-term sustainability - monitoring investment impact on NEET rates
- apprenticeship pathways: flexibility of levy reforms - supporting high-quality placements - addressing barriers for SMEs - integrating alternative educational and vocational pathways
- employment quality: tackling insecure or low-paid jobs - addressing sector-specific skill gaps - creating sustainable employment options - tackling regional inequalities into the long-term
- addressing NEET issues: strategies for outreach - providing tailored interventions - integrating mental health support - implementing early engagement to avoid prolonged inactivity
- preparation for employment: effectiveness of reformed school curriculum - enhancing work experience opportunities - careers guidance - enhancing interview preparation - improving accessibility
- wraparound services: joining up health, education and work initiatives - simplifying referral processes - embedding pastoral care in training programmes - targeting groups at greatest disadvantage
- localised approaches: learning from trailblazer initiatives - accounting for differing regional challenges - strengthening ties with community organisations - building capacity for future expansion
- partnerships: approaches to involve businesses effectively - structuring suitable collaboration models - aligning job creation with local industry needs
- responsibilities: balancing business incentives with Youth Guarantee commitments, including impact of tax amendments - commitments for retention and progression
All delegates will be able to contribute to the output of the conference, which will be shared with parliamentary, ministerial, departmental and regulatory offices, and more widely. This includes the full proceedings and additional articles submitted by delegates.