Morning, Tuesday, 10th June 2025
This conference will examine the Government's vision for creating new towns, ahead of the New Towns Taskforce’s final report expected to be published later this year.
It will be an opportunity to discuss priorities for the Taskforce’s report and the role of new towns in delivering on the Government’s housebuilding targets. There will also be a focus on stakeholder and policy issues relating to the planning and delivery of new towns in the context of wider changes to housing and infrastructure policy in the Planning and Infrastructure Bill and reforms and the National Planning Policy Framework, alongside broader aims relating to governance and devolution, infrastructure and industrial policy.
Sessions in the agenda will consider the criteria being developed for selecting new town locations, standards developers must meet, key infrastructure required to promote strong communities and drive economic growth, as well as providing long-term delivery and stewardship mechanisms, and engaging effectively with key stakeholders. With the Taskforce considering over 100 potential developments ahead of its recommendations, delegates will discuss key issues for potential locations capable of accommodating at least 10,000 new homes, considering both standalone settlements and urban extensions, and how these contribute to meeting housing demand by 2050.
Further sessions will consider delivery mechanisms, including long-term infrastructure planning, skills provision and shortages, land acquisition, and engagement with developers, as well as stewardship arrangements to ensure successful delivery over the longer-term. We also expect discussion on development of the proposed New Towns Prospectus and options for determining standards, including provisions for social and affordable housing, design quality, transport connectivity, and green spaces. Strategies for engagement with key stakeholders and effective collaboration will be discussed, as well as what can be learned for best practice in areas such as creating cohesive and sustainable communities from previous new towns developments.
With the agenda currently in its drafting stage, areas for discussion include:
- New Towns Taskforce: progress on recommendations - defining selection criteria - reporting timelines
- location selection: identifying potential sites - approaches for both urban extensions and standalone settlements - meeting housing demand
- developer standards: setting requirements - social and affordable housing - design quality and density - transport connectivity - green spaces
- infrastructure needs: key infrastructure identification - transport links - public services - green spaces
- delivery challenges:
- planning and the NPPF - land supply and acquisition - funding and investment - roles of key bodies such as Homes England
- collaboration across local government boundaries - addressing potential legal issues - skills priorities and the roles of policy and sectors in filling gaps
- governance and engagement: long-term stewardship - governance structures - stakeholder collaboration - the role of new devolution reform announced in the 2024 English Devolution White Paper
- community cohesion: best practice in developing strong local identity - social mix - learning from previous new town development
- policy alignment: impact of planning reforms - integrating with wider housing policies - devolution implications