Westminster Health Forum

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The future outlook for net zero in the life sciences sector

Morning, Tuesday, 3rd September 2024


This conference focuses on next steps for decarbonisation in the UK life sciences sector.  

It is an opportunity to discuss implementation of the NHS net zero supplier roadmap and stakeholder carbon reduction plans, and net zero benchmarks for procuring goods, services, and works for the NHS by 2027.

There will be a focus on:

  • reaching supplier benchmarks, looking at plans for UK Scope 1 and 2 emissions following the extension to Carbon Reduction Plan requirements covering all new procurement from April 2024
  • practical strategies for tackling Scope 3 emissions and overcoming challenges in measurement and monitoring

With a policy focus on speeding up the shift to net zero procurement, sessions in the agenda will examine next steps for collaboration between key stakeholders and what is needed to secure achievable and cost-effective solutions. Areas for discussion include opportunities for sustainable sourcing, operational changes in the life sciences sector, and priorities for innovative product development and the potential role of regulation moving forward.

We expect discussion on how to address challenges and issues highlighted by stakeholders and others in the areas such as increasing reusability, and refitting fleets and buildings, as well as funding, procurement and the supply chain, including the impact of international developments in regulation.

Delegates will discuss frameworks for putting in place and deepening coordination on decarbonising care pathways, including pharma’s role in strengthening coordination between smaller companies to progress net zero initiatives across the healthcare work stream. There will be discussion on implementing a proposed end-to-end care pathway emissions calculation standard and tool for specific diseases.

Sessions will explore progress so far on net zero benchmarks, looking at best practice cases and carrying forward successes, such as upstream transportation and distribution, eliminating toxic and plastic waste, as well as efficiently transitioning to renewable power and alignment on common supplier standards.

The agenda will also bring out latest thinking on priorities for employing data-driven sustainability and next steps for fostering innovation in clinical research. Areas for discussion include developing a taskforce, with aims to leverage digital health solutions to decarbonise clinical trials, as well as incentivising research organisations and related suppliers to measure and reduce emissions.

We also expect discussion on the NHS Clinical Waste Strategy, looking at encouraging stakeholders to support and contribute to its implementation, as well as the role of the NHS Greener Plan, with proposals for green heat solutions by 2025 and targets for becoming the world’s first net zero national health service.

We are pleased to be able to include keynote sessions with: Dr Susan Simon, Chief Environmental Sustainability Officer, Medical Research Council; Dr Fiona Adshead, Chair, Sustainable Healthcare Coalition; Claire Lund, Head, Environmental Sustainability, GlaxoSmithKline; and Karen Taylor, Research Director, Centre for Health Solutions, Deloitte.

Overall, areas for discussion include:

  • net zero benchmarks: examining steps for achieving NHS goods, services and works reduction targets - priorities for implementing the Greener NHS initiative and its contribution to overall net zero goals
  • Carbon Reduction Plan: next steps for reaching supplier benchmarks, following the extension of requirements from April 2024 - accelerating the transition to net zero procurement
  • addressing Scope 3 emissions: building a sustainable life sciences roadmap - priorities for governance, capability building, and continuous support for sustaining change
  • pharma: exploring transparency and fairness in net zero plans from life science companies - the role of the taskforce and opportunities for collaboration - priorities for pharmaceutical emissions reduction targets
  • innovation: leveraging innovation, data and technology to drive cost-effective reduction of emissions in the life sciences sector - adoption of digital products and services
  • waste: reducing waste and developing environmentally sustainable packaging, devices and tools - waste management - latest thinking on reducing use of plastic and sustainable alternative options
  • NHS: integrating environmental sustainability into NHS procurement practices - balancing cost-effectiveness with maintaining patient safety and quality of care - reducing emissions in patient pathways
  • clinical research: developing best practice and models of sustainable delivery models of research - opportunities for decentralised clinical trials and virtual delivery
  • safety: ensuring safe implementation of green NHS clinical practices for the workforce and patients in line with NHS procurement contracts - expanding safe reuse of laboratory tools
  • coordination: opportunities for collaboration across the sector to achieve emissions reduction targets - supporting smaller companies with compliance and transition strategies

Keynote Speaker

Claire Lund

Head, Environmental Sustainability, GlaxoSmithKline

Keynote Speakers

Dr Fiona Adshead

Chair, Sustainable Healthcare Coalition

Dr Susan Simon

Chief Environmental Sustainability Officer, Medical Research Council

Karen Taylor

Research Director, Centre for Health Solutions, Deloitte

Claire Lund

Head, Environmental Sustainability, GlaxoSmithKline


Verena Ahnert

Partner, LEK Consulting

Addie MacGregor

Sustainability Manager, Association of British Health Tech Industries

Professor Fiona Charnley

Professor of Circular Innovation and Co-Director of Exeter Centre for the Circular Economy, University of Exeter