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Next steps for devolution in England

English Devolution White Paper | restructure, implementation & progress | Trailblazer Deals | transport, housing & infrastructure | regional economic development | investment | skills | inter-regional collaboration

Morning, Tuesday, 6th May 2025


This conference will examine next steps for devolution in England.

Restructure, implementation and progress
It will be an opportunity for stakeholders and policymakers to assess the future for regional autonomy, with the recently published English Devolution White Paper outlining plans for reorganisation of local government structures, alongside rollout of Strategic Authorities across England.

Sessions will discuss the scope of further devolution plans in England and key issues for implementation. Delegates will assess progress of the 2023 Trailblazer Devolution deals in the West Midlands and Manchester, and lessons that can be drawn from established combined authorities. We also expect discussion on expanded powers proposed in the 2024 Autumn Budget, including Integrated Funding Settlements, and priorities for the upcoming Spending Review.

Infrastructure, housing and transport
Delegates will also discuss local control over key services, such as housing and transport following the recent publication of the Planning and Infrastructure Bill.

They will examine issues and the development of local strategies for meeting government housebuilding targets, Spatial Development Plans and approaches to addressing regional housing needs, with the Bill proposing to introduce a system of strategic planning in England, with plans produced by mayors or local authorities. Implications of recent measures granting more authority to planning officers to decide which types of applications are determined by officers and which go forward to committee will also be discussed, along with proposals in the Bill to curtail the powers of council planning committees to block developments and to increase the training of members, as well as allowing councils to set their own planning fees.

In terms of transport, those attending will consider the future of local and pan-regional collaboration, examining integration of transport links and strategies to improve connectivity across both new and established Combined Authorities. The way forward for regional partnerships and their role in delivering cohesive infrastructure development will also be assessed, including opportunities for enhanced coordination and service delivery.

Investment, skills and economic growth
Further sessions focus on strategic approaches to fostering regional growth, including attracting investment, promoting innovation, and advancing international trade. Delegates will examine the role of combined authorities and metro mayors within the context of the Invest 2035 industrial strategy, looking at the development of Investment Zones and regional strategies for skills training and employment support.

Implications of funding changes to local authorities will be discussed, looking at reforms to district councils and the impact on implementation of Local Growth Plans. We expect the agenda to bring out best practice in structuring effective collaboration and partnership models between combined authorities and councils.

Overall, areas for discussion include:

  • next steps for devolution:
    • examining the English Devolution White Paper - looking ahead to the forthcoming English Devolution Bill - assessing scope - new powers for mayors - timelines for implementation
    • rollout of new two-tier model for local government - creation of unitary authorities - considerations for effective delivery - tailored approaches to meet regional needs
  • learning from progress so far: assessing the 2023 Trailblazer devolution deals - experience from established devolved bodies - localised approaches to industry skills, jobs and education 
  • economic growth: best practice in development strategies - delivering on Local Growth Plans - Investment Zones - considering different financing models - unlocking public and private investment
  • collaboration: the future of pan-regional partnerships - plans for inter-regional collaboration and working with arms-length bodies - role of local government in supporting the Industrial Strategy 
  • housing and infrastructure:
    • assessing measures in the Planning and Infrastructure Bill - proposals to introduce a system of strategic planning in England
    • implications for the role of planning officers - potential curtailment of power of local authority planning committees 
  • local and inter-regional transport: integrating transport connections and improving connectivity - effective regional collaborations and community engagement
  • finance and resource management: reflections on the local government Finance Settlement - implementation of Integrated Funding Settlements - opportunities for funding reform in a devolved system
  • equity and inclusion: best practice for engaging councils within combined authorities - fair distribution of opportunities and benefits across and between regions 
  • long-term priorities: the future for local authority reforms - economic viability of councils in the long-term

All delegates will be able to contribute to the output of the conference, which will be shared with parliamentary, ministerial, departmental and regulatory offices, and more widely. This includes the full proceedings and additional articles submitted by delegates. As well as key stakeholders, those due to attend include officials from MHCLG; Defra; DESNZ; DfT; DBT; DWP; DSIT; DfE; EA; ONS; IPO; NIC; and Ofsted.

Keynote Speakers

Jim McMahon OBE MP

Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Professor Tony Travers

Professor in Practice; and Associate Dean, School of Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science

Councillor Tim Oliver

Leader, Surrey County Council

Keynote Speakers

Councillor Tim Oliver

Leader, Surrey County Council

Jim McMahon OBE MP

Minister of State for Local Government and English Devolution, Ministry of Housing, Communities and Local Government

Professor Tony Travers

Professor in Practice; and Associate Dean, School of Public Policy, London School of Economics and Political Science


Joe Robertson MP


Chris Simms

Partner and Head, Rail, Burges Salmon

Ginny Leonard

Director, Work Winning, Balfour Beatty

Michael Lemin

Head, Policy, NCFE

Nigel Wilcock

Executive Director, Institute of Economic Development

Vicky Davis

Director, Local Government Value for Money, National Audit Office